Pupil Support – Curriculum

Any pupil, at any time, may need extra help with their education for a variety of reasons. At Cults Academy we have a dedicated team of teachers and support staff (Pupil Support Assistants) who work alongside class teachers in supporting learning and teaching activities.

Some pupils may have identified Additional Support Needs. Every opportunity is taken to establish the nature and extent of a pupil’s learning difficulty as soon as possible; close liaison with our Associated Primaries means that information is shared at transition and is available before pupils join us in August. For other pupils already in Cults Academy, individual teachers monitor performance closely and, if required, Support for Learning staff carry out diagnostic and attainment tests to identify areas of difficulty.

Our aim is to strive towards a truly inclusive education but at times, some pupils may require more intensive tuition to support their learning needs and this is provided in the SfL department. PT Pupil Support Curriculum liaises closely with external agencies such as the Pupil Support Service, Educational Psychologists, English as an Additional Language, specialists and Speech Therapists in every effort to meet the needs of all pupils.

Pupil Support Curriculum Staff
Mr R. Paterson – Principal Teacher
Support for Learning:
Mrs C. Ahriz
Mrs L. Gaston
Ms B. Gomez Leal
Mr G. Milner
Miss R. Simpson
Enhanced Provision:
Miss G. Paterson
Mrs E. Hawthorne

Pupil Support Assistants
D. Bremner
S. Donaldson-Selby
C. Ellington
P. Geekie
D. Gray
L. Hearns
A. Leaman
G. Robertson
A. Stratton
H. Tiffen
F. Webster