Well done to all the Cults Acadedmy pupils who took part the in the Aberdeen heat of the Scottish School’s Hydrogen Challenge last week, and a huge congratulations to the winners, who will head to Glasgow for the final next month at the COP26 UN Climate Challenge Conference!
Aberdeen City Council press release:
“Two pupils from Aberdeen’s Cults Academy have made it through the local heats of the Scottish Schools’ Hydrogen Challenge and will now compete in the grand final at the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference.
The lively challenge gave nine groups of two students two hours to build hydrogen fuel cell-powered vehicles using LEGO components, LEGO motors and custom-made miniature fuel cell power supplies.
The aim of the challenge, which saw more than 750 local pupils take part city-wide, was to design the most energy efficient vehicle. The car that travelled the farthest on the zero-emission fuel was named the winner.
The two pupils from Cults Academy came out on top with a distance of 32.5 metres and will now travel to Glasgow to take part in the grand final at the end of October during COP26.”
Click here for the full press release >>