We shall be holding our Respect Week at Cults Academy from 9th – 12th November.
This years’ national anti-bullying theme is ‘United against bullying‘.
At some point during the week all our young people will get the opportunity to view an anti-bullying video and presentation, and S1’s will be competing in a poster competition.

On Monday 9th November we are encouraging both staff and pupils to wear odd socks for the day.
Odd socks day is to help celebrate diversity and the fact that we are all unique. The brighter, bolder socks the better!
The day sends an important message that we should all be allowed to be ourselves free from bullying and helps us celebrate Anti-Bullying Week in a fun and positive way.

As part of Respect Week we would also like to announce our continued partnership with The Lighthouse Support Centre.
More information on how we hope to support the Lighthouse Support Centre in the lead up to Christmas will be shared in due course.

There is a new Respect section on the Cults Academy Family Learning Hub which contains a parent’s guide to anti-bullying, which was produced by the Diana Award in conjunction with Facebook.
Also available to view is the presentation which was delivered to pupils in PSE this week, guiding them through the new Wellbeing Concern Report form developed by the Wellbeing & Equalities group alongside our Anti-bullying ambassadors, who range from S2 to S5.